Keto Brunch | Smoked Salmon Roll


I am a big believer is brunch… specifically bagels and lox, so my goal was to find a way to enjoy a version of my favorites while staying on my Keto plan. This smoked salmon roll has become my brunch/everyday go to, because it take less than 5 minutes to make and fills me up. It’s Keto friendly, super yummy, and is a way healthier alternative to bagel and lox.

Weekend Bonus: add a glass of Prosecco for only 2 more net carbs. Cheers!


  • Net Carbs: 7g

  • Protein: 16g

  • Fat: 9g

  • Calories: 174


  • 3oz Smoked Salmon

  • 1/4 of a Cut Da Carb Flatbread

  • 2 tbsp cream cheese

  • Sliced cucumber (to taste)

  • Dill (I use the dry kind because I am not about to go get fresh dill, but you do you y’all)

  1. Cut the Flatbread into 4 pieces, put the other 3 away for later immediately so they don’t dry out.

  2. Spread the cream cheese along the shortest side of the flatbread and layer salmon and slices cucumber on top.

  3. Sprinkle with dill, roll up flatbread, take a photo and tag me in your instagram story, enjoy!

PINTEREST IMAGE | save for later below


Disclaimer: I am a food and travel blogger, so while I try to practice the Keto Diet between or even on trips… I do eat carbs…and you will see carbs on my blog. So don’t stress Keto fam. I will be posting all my Keto faves mixed in with my regular lifestyle.