Female Feature Friday: Marcie Finney Ditto of Mustard Seed Jewelry
We are back at it, bringing you another Female Feature Friday. We are so excited to be sharing a new amazing Girl Boss every week. The inspiration behind this series was to highlight the brilliant women running small businesses in an effort to inspire other women to bring their talents to the table. We can do it all, ladies!
It’s not everyday you meet a small business owner as kind and giving as Marcie, of Mustard Seed Jewelry. Her business has been founded on goodness and the desire to give back, all while creating the most beautiful and meaningful jewelry. I am so excited to present this weeks FFF, keep reading for inspiration!
Name and Occupation:
Marcie Finney Ditto, Founder & CEO of Mustard Seed Jewelry.
Briefly describe your business:
Mustard Seed Jewelry offers Fashionable, Visually stunning, handmade-jewelry with inlaid with tiny organic mustard seeds. Each piece is created to bless, inspire and ignite deeper Faith. We offer Earrings, Necklaces, Bracelets, Tassel Necklaces, Teardrop Pendants and Rings. With each modern mustard seed jewelry piece goes hope that it will inspire women worldwide to embrace their own unique style, but more so will encourage them to access the intrinsic faith within us all.
I’m very fond of creating what we call “seed cash” as well. Seed cash was created to demonstrate God’s love and power through a small amount of cash given freely and then watered by those that give it and what comes from that giving for both the giver and the receiver. It’s the power of a seed. The power of something so small can be so great!
Our notecards we created with a similar purpose our prayer is that we will help inspire acts of kindness and generosity that will grow strong like the mustard seed.
We feel blessed to give 30% of our gross profits to support over 50 charities Nationwide.
How did Mustard Seed Jewelry come about and what were you doing before its creation?
Mustard Seed Jewelry came about through my prayer life. I was given a vision in prayer of a finished piece before I knew how to ever make jewelry. I’m completely self-taught with jewelry. I feel passionate about being self-taught. The willingness of your heart to learn and listen along with persistence helps as you learn a new craft. You have to have a confidence that can only come from God, not yourself when you are taking that leap of faith into undiscovered creative territory. Prayer for the next step becomes your daily mantra. It took me over 3 years to create the very first piece.
The jewelry making in my life was literally a divine calling - where I woke up one day and as clear as it could be. I knew I was to create inspiring jewelry in the world, but I had no idea how to make it. Life is about reinvention. I had dabbled in jewelry making in high school and grew up attending gem and mineral shows and watching my grandfather make jewelry. I had the background, just no clue yet how to use the gift, that took over 30 years for it to fully develop in my life.
Prior to Mustard Seed Jewelry, I think it’s always been in my blood to create. First I stumbled into studying fine art and painting, and then realized I had a gift for graphic design. After getting my design degree, I spent 20 years running my own design firm. I found that having other creative outlets deepened and enriched my design craft. I always tell people that I didn’t leave a career that I didn’t love or wasn’t successful at. I got divinely called into Mustard Seed Jewelry. And I’m forever grateful for that leap of Faith. I now get to design for my own company which is so rewarding and fulfilling.
What is your favorite piece out of your entire collection?
It’s so hard to pick a favorite, they become like Children to the creator. I really love our Pendants, they are so classic and can be layered up with just about any other piece of jewelry or they make a gorgeous statement on their own.
Why is small business so important to you?
Small is BEAUTIFUL. In Business I’ve been able to make really big leaps by valuing and honoring the small steps, which is what I think helps define what we do in small business. We are here to support each other and I love to see small businesses help other small businesses. The BIG Corporate Giants started small. We have to be willing to baby step our way to greatness.
What motivates you to keep going on the less than awesome days?
My prayer life, I focus on staying centered on what is most important in my life. That saying of “Don’t sweat the small stuff” Is SO TRUE. My relationship with God, and my family matter most in my life. My sweet Daughter Kinsie brings so much joy.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to start their own business?
Get ready for the BIGGEST LEAP OF FAITH EVER. That leap doesn’t end after you start your business, you will continue to leap and reinvent yourself daily, sometimes moment to moment. Stay teachable and humble. And seek out mentorship, someone has walked in the shoes you are in and has some GOLDEN NUGGETS of wisdom to share with you. Toss out the naysayers and critics, it takes GREAT COURAGE to own your own business, stay focused and centered on what is most important and what brings you joy daily while your are in the building phase of the business. LET GO OF PERFECTION. We are perfect as we are. We are enough, we have enough and we do enough. Perfectly imperfect, Love yourself today as you are, and let God work the rest out.
What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made and what/how did you learn from it?
I’ve always been wired to handle a lot that life throws at me. Think multiple hat wearer extraordinar. In my career one of the biggest lessons I have had to learn is delegation. Now that the business is growing so much, I have to be really really good at realizing where my time is best spent and delegating out what others can help me do. I’m so service focused it’s hard for me to let others help me. I’m baby stepping that process into life more and more these days. Support is everything.
I think like a lot of us, I have to shake myself out of trying to focus on the “How” to often.
Stay out of the “how.” The “how” is none of your business, that’s God’s business. Yours is to stay in alignment everyday with your heart and what God is doing in your life. You’ll see miracles happen, and things line up as you take this very simple step.
Don’t give up. Challenge is the dragon, tame it and the gift is waiting for you in it’s mouth.
Who have you looked to for advice and mentorship?
I’ve had many mentors along the way at very instrumental times in my life. It’s like God brought the angels in the nick of time. It’s hard to name them all.
Kevin Weaver had been a trusted friend and mentor in my life. And I’m deeply grateful for his influence and demonstration in this world.
At my little Dallas cafe, Gold Rush, where I spent years prayer journaling and being inspired in my morning routine, I met Ted DeBoiser, a long-standing morning regular and amazing creator. He’s been an amazingly talented artist his whole life, and he never lost his sense of gentleness in mentoring other artists. He lifted me up in my art career in a time where I was questioning if I could carry on with the gifts I had been given. I’ve watched him for so many years foster and nurture other artists. We artists can be sensitive souls, and a spirit of gentleness can go a long way. That gentleness is something I hope to posses in inspiring other artists. He’s an angel in my eyes.
Sir Richard Branson. WOW, this man lives on purpose. I love that he doesn’t know how to say no, that he has always had confidence and fearlessness to making his dreams a reality. What a legacy for all of us to behold. There is so much wonderful inspiration and wisdom from this man. Hey, Richard when you tire of your island, can I be the first buyer? I joke with my friends that one day Richard will sell me his island. And yes, I really could live on an island. This interview of him is worth watching.
My girlfriends whom I lovingly refer to as “my crew.” They are there with true support, not the light and fluffy kind. They know how to deliver me through times when I get stuck or I’m blinded and not seeing God’s path and plan for me. And in mutual exchange I offer this to them. We can laugh and support each other through every season of life.
What does it mean to you to be a woman in small business?
I think it’s a great honor and comes with such responsibility. We have to shine our light so that others might recognize the light already within them, I hope to do this for other women. That they will see the things we’ve accomplished as a business and know that it’s all there for them as well. As women we are strong, faithful, loyal and can multi-task like no other, I believe we have unstoppable strength while still remaining soft and nurturing in our nature. We are in a very inspiring time to be a woman in business.
What’s next for Mustard Seed Jewelry?
Only God knows, but if I had to ask him, He may say “Get ready kid, it’s going to be an awesome ride.” I know that each and every day I enjoy getting out of bed and creating for the creator. My heart centered on Christ’s love and that brings fulfillment and happiness. At this point in the journey, I know my goodness and grace are always present, today and tomorrow. It is my hope that the demonstration of these things will inspire others to find the same.
We’re expanding our reach nationally this year which is really exciting and Holding Faith for all the amazing things that are divinely unfolding for us.
My Husband is a Lt Col and CO of his Squadron with The Marines and flies C130’s and got transferred here. From the minute of moving here, I noticed how different the people of Fort Worth are, they are so caring and really truly want to see you be successful in this town.
Heim is a personal fav of mine.
Love a French 75 from Fixure off Magnolia.
Wake up to my morning prayers and quite time and snuggles with my family. Brunch at Brewed, adventuring to the pool or yoga with my daughter and then fun social time out with friends and neighbors on Magnolia Ave close to our neighborhood.
I think Fort Worth is SO SPECIAL in its business climate. I felt so supported by everyone I met when I moved to Fort Worth, I had to completely start over. Everyone I met truly wanted to see me succeed. That is so rare in a big city and I think it’s so special that in Fort Worth we really take care of the people in our city and are so welcoming to the newcomers. I’m blessed to be at home in Fort Worth.
Susan Semmelmann Interiors.
Fort Worth Woman .
Alchemy Pops.

Be sure to check out our interviews with:
Kim Kelliher of Grapeline Wine Tours
Traci Morrow of Traci Morrow Fitness
Christina Phillips of Park and Eighth
And my personal journey with Sip Dine Design